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Tournament Guidelines


  1. NARA, in consultation with the clubs and sponsors as appropriate, decides where and when NARA sanctioned tournaments are to take place.

  2. To compete in NARA sanctioned tournaments North American participants must be (i) members in good standing of NARA or (ii) North American based professionals. Overseas amateurs and professionals must be members in good standing of their National Governing Body or Professionals’ Association.

  3. To be eligible for prize money in NARA tournaments North American based professionals must be affiliated with a North American club and overseas professionals must be members of their National Professionals’ Association.

  4. Play in all tournaments is subject to the NARA Laws of Rackets

  5. Each tournament is to have a Tournament Chairman and an Assistant Tournament Chairman nominated by the Host Club.


Tournament Chairmen, with assistance of Assistant Chairman, is responsible for:

  1. Sending out Entry Form to all clubs and professionals, including T&RA clubs and professionals, via NARA 30 days before the tournament.

  2. Setting the draw- Draw to be posted Tuesday before tournament starts. (i) Seeding to be based on rankings as published by the T&RA, in coordination with the input of the Host Club professional. (ii) Granting byes depends on the size of the draw.  Byes to be granted in coordination with the input of the Host Club Professional.

  3. Selecting marker and referee for any matches that require them.

  4. Printing Guidelines for Safe Play and posting at the Rackets Court door

  5. Printing a copy of the injury rules of the Laws of Racquets and make sure that all markers and referees have a copy.

  6. Make final decision on any issues that come during the tournament.

  7. Nominating Host Club member to coordinate with the NARA Communications Director to ensure all scores are updated on NARA website in addition to posting photos.  Tournament scoring details are to be posted on the NARA website not less than daily.

  8. If possible, arranging for matches to be Live Streamed. 

  9. Ensuring that Tournament Chairman or Assistant Chairman is on-site during all matches in case a decision regarding the rules is required beyond that made by the match Referee or the Marker..

  10. As soon as possible after the tournament forward a complete set of the results for publication on the website to the NARA Communication Director.


Tournament Schedule (except of US Open):

  1. Early rounds- Start Wednesday for local club entry or Thursday based size of draw.   Matches are best of 3 unless size of draw requires an accommodation such as the 3rd game starting at 7 all, or a single game to 21.

  2. Quarter-finals are to be best of 3.

  3. Semi-finals are to be best of 5 and played on Saturday.

  4. Sunday finals:

  • Singles to start at 11 AM

  • Doubles to start no later than 1:30 PM to enable players to catch flights home after 5 PM.


Conduct of Players:​

Players should conduct themselves, both on and off the Court, in a manner consistent with the etiquette, sportsmanship and exemplary standards of behavior and dress expected of the sport (this includes man-buns). In particular, players should:

  1. Abide by the laws and spirit of the game.

  2. Accept the decisions of referees, markers and other officials without question or protest.

  3. Exercise self-control at all times.

  4. Treat his opponents and fellow participants with due respect at all times.

  5. Accept success, failure, victory or defeat with good grace and without excessive display of emotion.

  6. Not thwart his opponents unfairly.

  7. Not behave in any way likely to bring the game into disrepute.

Violations of this code of conduct may result in the penalty of a point, game, or match as determined by the referee.



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