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Western Open

The Western Open Singles Championship for the Johnson Cup and the Western Open Doubles Championship have been played annually since 1924.  The Western Open is one of only two NARA tournaments open to all amateur and professional players.  It is also one of only two Elite Ranking System Qualifying Tournaments played in North America.  

As the US Open prior to 1924 was typically held at an East Coast venue, the Western Open was started as an opportunity for players domiciled on the “Western” side of the American racquets world e.g. Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh to compete in an Open championship without lengthy travel to the East Coast.  For many decades the tournament alternated each year between Chicago and Detroit. 

In more recent years, with the US Open moving to a rotation among all the American racquets clubs, the Western Open Championship follows a similar rotation and is sometimes jokingly referred to the “WEastern Open” when played on the East Coast.

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